Evang. Petty Chanda

Genesis 12:2      God spoke to Abraham and said,  ..... I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great, and thou shall be a blessing......." I want you to observe that this was entirely God's idea. Abraham didn't ask to be great, it was God's dream for him. Its also important that you take note the reason God's dream for him. Its also important to note the reason God wanted to make Abraham great. The reason was so that Abraham could be a blessing.

Being born again, you are the seed of Abraham, and God wants to bless the world through you. He wants the whole world to be blessdd through you. He wants the whole world to benefit to benefit from your existence. He said to Abraham, ......" In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed."

Understand that its God's dream for you to be a blessing. It's what he expects of you. God is interested in your success.

So if you are productive, the Lord will increase the grace on your life , so you can become even more productive. So go ahead and do something to bless your world, be a success for the Lord.
Glory be to God.

